Twenty-Eighteen Overview

First, thank you for visiting our blog! We are currently in St. Petersburg, Russia. It’s a lovely city, full of snow this time of year. It’s been several years since I, David, have been in the snow for the winter, so it’s kind of fun to be back.

As most of you know Zhenya’s mother, Olga, passed away last month. It was so unexpected. Many of you have sent your condolences and have been praying for us in this season. Thank you so much!

We were living in Bangkok, Thailand. I had just finished a month long intensive course and got my CELTA certification to teach English. We were planning on staying in Bangkok, but since Olga passed we are now praying about what is next for us. Soon we’ll be heading to Zhenya’s hometown, Kirovsk, where Olga was living and pastoring a church. We’ll stay there for sometime to help the church transition. We’d appreciate your prayers for us and the church in this next season. 

I created a 2018 timeline (see below), partly for memory’s sake and partly for our friend’s and family’s sake. I know many of you have a hard time keeping track of where we are and where we’ve been. This timeline will give you a little overview of our 2018. 

Thanks again for visiting our blog. We will keep you updated on our life’s adventures here. 

We hope you and your family enjoyed the holidays!

David & Zhenya 

Welcome to our blog.

Welcome to our blog! I’ve been wanting to start one for some time, so here we go… The purpose of this blog is to give you a deeper personal glimpse into our lives. We’d like to share stories of our journey with you. I hope they inspire or at least entertain you 😊